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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Hass Avocado?
- HASS AVOCADO is a new type/variety of avocado
- Like other types of Avocado, Has Avocado also health/nutrition (high in iron and antioxidants) and income benefits.
- Accounts for over 80% of the global market
- Ideal for export because it is a small fruit, is easily packed and a box can accommodate big numbers e.g 4kgs box 16 pcs of 250g each, 10kgs of 40 fruits and others pack in crates of 20 kgs at 4 fruits a kg.
- Has a rough skin as a natural protection against harsh conditions especially during transportation?
- Has the highest oil content of an average of 14% but can go up to 23%?
- Hass Avocado oil is quality oil that has demand across the globe.
How long does it take to mature?
A well-managed tree produces mature fruits at 3 years although some farmers report to have started harvesting as early as 2 years and 2 months
Why Hass Avocado?
- It is high value crop with high demand for both fresh fruit and oil on the global market
- Has a relatively high yield potential
- Has high health and nutritional values
- Breakeven acreage is one acre
- Break even period with an acre of well managed Orchard is the 4 year